This visa allows a child who is outside Australia to come to Australia to live with their parents.​​​
The child must be:
1. sponsored by their parent or their parent’s partner
2. single
3. younger than 18 years of age, or:
a full-time student between 18 and 25 years of age, or
18 or older and unable to work due to a disability and dependent on the sponsoring parent.
​The child can include their own dependent children in this application.
The sponsoring parent
The child’s sponsoring parent must be an Australian citizen, the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen. The spouse or de facto partner of the child’s parent can also sponsor the child.
The child’s relationship with the sponsor​ and the child must be:
1. the biological child or adopted child of the sponsoring parent
2. a stepchild who has not turned 18 of a step-parent who is no longer the partner of the child’s parent but has a legal responsibility to care for the child.
3. An adopted child must have been adopted before their parent became an Australian citizen or the holder of an Australian permanent resident visa or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
With this visa, the child can:
1. stay in Australia indefinitely
2. work and study in Australia
3. enroll Australia's public healthcare scheme,
4. sponsor relatives to come to Australia
5. apply for Australian citizenship, if eligible
6. travel to and from Australia for 5 years