This provisional visa is for people who invest at least AUD 5 million in Australian investments that meet certain requirements and maintain investment activity in Australia. After maintained an investment in Australian for 4 years, the applicant can apply for permanent residence through the Business Innovation & Investment (Residence) Subclass 888 visa.
The applicant or partner has at least AUD 5 million net asset.​
The applicant must make an investment of at least AUD 5 million in a “complying investment”. A “complying investment” for the purposes of the Significant Investor Visa must be made up of:
1. At least $1 million in venture capital and growth private equity funds which invest in start-ups and small private companies
2. At least $1.5 million in approved managed funds investing in emerging companies listed on the Australian Stock Exchange.
3. A ‘balancing investment’ of up to $2.5 million in managed funds that may invest in a range of assets, including ASX-listed companies,
Australian corporate bonds or notes, annuities, and commercial real estate
You and your partner must have had no history of involvement in business or investment activities that are of a nature that is not generally acceptable in Australia.
No points test.
No age limit.
No qualifications requirement.
Minimal English language ability.
Dependent Visas for eligible family members and further permanent Visas.
The Applicant can invest in a combination of investments, based on preference, interest rate, and high yield.
The Applicant can switch from one Investment to another complying investment during the Provisional visa.
Victoria 188C Visa
Investment in Victoria
You must make a complying investment of at least A$5 million.
Live in Victoria
You must intend to live in Victoria. You and your family cannot live in other states or territories of Australia.
You must have sufficient funds to settle in Victoria.
How to apply?
Investment in Victoria
You must make a complying investment of at least A$5 million.
Live in Victoria
You must intend to live in Victoria. You and your family cannot live in other states or territories of Australia.
You must have sufficient funds to settle in Victoria.
NSW 188C Visa
Be invited to apply for this visa
Be nominated by a State or Territory government agency or Austrade to invest at least AUD5 million that meets certain requirements and have a genuine intention to hold that investment for the life of your provisional visa
Have a genuine intention to live in the State or Territory whose government agency nominates you
Western Australia 188C Visa
Applicants must meet the DHA criteria for this visa.
Applicants must also:
Propose net assets of at least $5 million invested in complying investments as specified by the DHA;
Agree to re-invest the $5 million complying investments into any Western Australian assets, upon maturity; and
Applicants and any family members (dependents) residing in Australia are required to live, work and/or study in Western Australia.
South Australia 188C Visa
To meet the South Australian nomination requirements you must:
Meet the Department of Home Affairs subclass 188 significant investor stream criteria.
Intend to live in South Australia.
Agree to make and maintain an investment of AUD$5 million for the duration of the provisional visa in a complying investment fund. The complying investment fund must materially benefit South Australia.
This visa provides a pathway to permanent residency. After three years you may be eligible to apply for the Business Innovation and Investment (Permanent) visa - subclass 888.
Once you have ensured you meet all visa and nomination criteria, and prepared all documentation required for your application:
Lodge an EOI through Department of Home Affairs SkillSelect website. Choose South Australia as your preferred state and select the visa stream you want nomination for. Keep note of the reference number as you will need it for your state nomination application.
Create an account and submit an online application for state nomination via the Skilled & Business Migration portal.
You will receive email notification once your state nomination application has been processed by the Skilled & Business Migration team.
If you are approved for state nomination, you will receive an invitation from the Department of Home Affairs asking you to lodge your visa application within 60 days of nomination.
You must lodge your application within this timeframe as re-nomination is not permitted within the same program year unless a new state nomination application is submitted. This will incur a new application fee and approval is subject to the availability of nomination places in the stream selected.
Queensland 188C Visa
Be invited to apply for this visa
Be nominated by a State or Territory government agency or Austrade to invest at least AUD5 million that meets certain requirements and have a genuine intention to hold that investment for the life of your provisional visa
Have a genuine intention to live in the State or Territory whose government agency nominates you