This stream is for Points-tested skilled workers who are not sponsored by an employer or family member or nominated by a state or territory government. It allows you to live and work in Australia as a permanent resident (PR).
Be aged between 18 and 44 inclusive
Have a relevant occupation on the 189 occupation list (MLTSSL)
Have Competent English
Have a suitable skills assessment for the occupation
Lodge an EOI and be invited to apply
Meet the points test pass mark of 65 points (as of 1 July 2018)
Meet health and character requirements
General 189 Visa
Be invited to Apply
Have a suitable skills assessment
You must be aged under 45 when we invite you to apply for the visa. You can still apply for the visa if you turn 45 after we invite you to apply. If you turn 45 after you submit your EOI but before we invite you to apply, you will not be invited to apply.
Be able to score 65 points or more
Not have had a visa cancelled or a previous application refused