Can a 186 TRT application be lodged for an employer that is not the applicant's current sponsor?
No, the nominator must be the applicant's current sponsor.
If a TSS 482 visa holder is changing employers and has already worked two years on their TSS 482 visa, does the new employer need to lodge a 482 nomination first before moving to 186 TRT?
Yes, the 186 nominator must be the current 482 sponsor.
If a 482 visa was lodged before the changes and approved after the changes, will it have 12-month eligibility for 186 TRT?
The 12-month work experience relates to eligibility for a 482 visa, not the 186 TRT pathway, which still requires two years of sponsored employment.
Where can the list of mandatory skills assessments for 186 DE be found?
Refer to LIN 19/216, which lists all 186 DE applicants requiring a skills assessment, except for exemptions such as:
Academic applicants
Science applicants
Subclass 444/461 workers.
If an occupation has changed from the 482 occupation, how does this impact the 186 TRT application? For example, a Fruit Grower 121612 on ANZSCO 2022 applying under Fruit or Nut Grower 121213 from ANZSCO 2013.
The tasks of the role must be compared to ensure alignment with the new occupation description. The Department has indicated flexibility if tasks closely match.
Can a current 482 visa holder under "Beef Cattle Farmer" apply for 186 TRT under a similar occupation, like "Dairy Cattle Farmer"?
Reg. 5.19(5)(b)(ii) requires the occupation to match the most recently granted TSS or SID visa. Exceptions only apply to medical doctors and certain executive roles under Reg. 186.227(3).
Can a 186 DE nomination lodged under Painting Trades Worker (332211) be used under the same ANZSCO code if the occupation is now titled "Painter"?
Yes, the ANZSCO code remains the same, so the change in title does not impact the application.
If a 482 visa is expiring soon, can the applicant use the 5-day flexibility to lodge a TRT application?
Yes, the Department will continue to allow this practice for SID visas.
Do 482 visa holders still need to complete two years of sponsored employment for 186 TRT, or is all relevant experience counted?
Yes, only sponsored employment on a 457/TSS/SID visa is counted towards the two-year requirement.
Does all TSS work experience in a nominated occupation count toward TRT, or does it require a nomination transfer to be approved?
Only periods with an approved nomination transfer are counted. Work experience under a refused or absent nomination does not qualify.
Does the three-year work experience requirement for 186 DE need to be completed within the last five years?
Yes, this is correct.
If Short-Term TSS visa holders cannot lodge a 186 ENS due to their occupation being removed from CSOL, can they be sponsored under another closely related occupation?
Policies for ENS visa subclasses have not been released, so it is unclear if closely related occupations will be accepted for meeting the two-year requirement.
If a 482 visa holder worked for two years under an overseas business sponsor, can this be counted for 186 TRT under a new Australian sponsor?
Yes, provided the overseas business establishes an onshore entity, obtains SBS approval, and transfers the sponsorship. Employment with the overseas sponsor can then count towards TRT.
Have there been any updates on new business and investment visas?
No, there have been no announcements regarding new business and investment visa programs.
What is the status of lodged Subclass 188 visas? Are they on hold?
These applications will continue to be processed according to processing priorities and annual migration quotas.
Is there any news on updates to the Subclass 407 Training Visa occupation list?
No, there have been no updates regarding changes to the 407 Training Visa occupation list.
What happens to occupations on the Regional Occupation List (ROL) but not on CSOL for 494 visas?
There are no changes. The new legislation only impacts 482 and 186 DE visas.