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Skilled workers and international students are allowed to enter Australia from 1 December 2021


Australia reached the vaccination targets that more than 85% of Australian over 16 years are now fully vaccinated. Eligible visa holders who are are fully vaccinated recognised by TGA come to Australia without a travel exemption approval or hotel quarantine from December 1. Prime Minister Scott Morrison made this announcement on 22 November 2021. Australian government opens the door for tourists, backpackers, skilled migrants and international students to fly in for summer. Japanese and Korean citizens who have been fully vaccinated can also visit Australia from the same date without needing to quarantine.

To check your eligibility, please refer to the new arrangement for the eligible visas:

The definition of fully vaccinated:

Australia considers you to be fully vaccinated if you have completed a course of a Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) approved or recognised vaccine. This includes mixed doses. Current vaccines and dosages accepted for the purposes of travel are:

Two doses at least 14 days apart of:

  • AstraZeneca Vaxzevria

  • AstraZeneca Covishield

  • Pfizer/Biontech Comirnaty

  • Moderna Spikevax

  • Sinovac Coronavac

  • Bharat Biotech Covaxin

  • Sinopharm BBIBP-CorV (for 18-60 year olds).

Or one dose of:

  • Johnson & Johnson/ Janssen-Cilag COVID Vaccine.

The TGA is evaluating other COVID-19 vaccines that may be recognised for the purposes of inbound travel to Australia in future. The most up-to-date information on approved and recognised vaccines is available on the TGA website.

At least 7 days must have passed since the final dose of vaccine in a course of immunisation for you to be considered fully vaccinated. Mixed doses count towards being fully vaccinated as long as all vaccines are approved or recognised by the TGA.

If you have not been vaccinated with the above doses or schedule, you do not meet Australia’s definition of ‘fully vaccinated.’ This includes instances where the dosing schedule or vaccine eligibility differs in your country of origin. There are some exceptions to this as outlined below.

Proof of vaccination when leaving or travelling to Australia

If you were vaccinated in Australia, you will need to show airline staff your International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate (ICVC). The ICVC will be provided in PDF format for you to print or hold electronically on your phone.

If you were vaccinated overseas and do not have an ICVC, you will need to present a foreign vaccination certificate that meets all of the requirements outlined on the Australian Passport Office website.

Getting a vaccination certificate, including the International COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate, does not mean that you are fully vaccinated. For example, your vaccination certificate may show that you have only had one dose of a two-dose vaccine. If your vaccination certificate does not prove that you that you meet Australia’s definition of fully vaccinated, you cannot use it for leaving or entering Australia. It is your responsibility to know your vaccination status and ensure your vaccine certificate supports your eligibility to travel to and from Australia.

Coming to Australia

You should check any requirements, particularly quarantine requirements, in the state or territory to which you are travelling as this will impact your travel arrangements. You will need to provide a medical certificate that indicates you are unable to be vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine because of a medical condition; the medical certificate must include the following information:

  • your name (this must match your travel identification documents)

  • date of medical consultation and details of your medical practitioner

  • details that clearly acknowledge that you have a medical condition which means you cannot receive a COVID-19 vaccination (vaccination is contraindicated).

People who have received non-TGA approved or recognised vaccines should not be certified in this category and cannot be treated as vaccinated for the purposes of their travel.

If you are planning on traveling onwards to or through a different state or territory when you arrive in Australia, you need to check domestic travel restrictions. States and territories can apply their own travel restrictions.

If you want to know more information for international travellers to enter different states, please refer to:


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