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Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program Update - 3 October 2022


Subclass 190 Tasmanian Skilled Employment Pathway - Gold Priority Attribute

To avoid confusion the qualifying work period for the gold priority attribute has been changed from three to six months:

It remains three months for all other attributes.

Subclass 190 and 491 Tasmanian Skilled Graduate Pathway - Job Offer Green Attribute

This attribute has been reworded to clarify its intention to recognise graduate program job offers received prior to completion of study:

Offer for graduate employment program. Must be full-time, received prior to graduation, related to your skills assessment or Tasmanian study and be from a medium or large* Tasmanian business that has been operating in Tasmania for more than 5 years. (Paid training program offers, such as income tax training are not eligible)

We will however apply some flexibility to candidates who have registered their interest before 5 October 2022.

Subclass 190 Tasmanian Established Resident Priority Attributes

This pathway has been updated to include additional priority attributes. The interim registration form has also been updated to include these.

Staged program opening - next stage

The next stage of opening of the 2022-23 Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination is currently scheduled for late October 2022. It will extend to all candidates who meet the minimum requirements, including those who do not have a gold or green attribute.

Nomination allocation and usage (as of 3 October 2022)

Skilled Nominated (subclass 190) visa:

Nominations – 330 of 2000 places used

Unfinalised nomination applications – 347

Invitations not yet accepted or expired – 65

Skilled Work Regional (subclass 491) visa:

Nominations – 293 of 1350 places used

Unfinalised nomination applications – 155

Invitations not yet accepted or expired – 85

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